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Contemporary World Wall Map In Spanish by Globe Turner 50 x 29
Contemporary World in Spanish by Globe Turner
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Starting at: $30.95

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: GTL3

Laminated 30 x 54 [Add $28.37]
Laminated W/Hanging Strips 34x50 [Add $54.92]
Mounted and Laminated 30 x 54 [Add $156.13]
Framed, Mounted and Laminated 50x34 [Add $248.28]


Perfect for home, business, or school, this Contemporary World Wall Map in Spanish combines bright, attractive colors with high-detailed cartography. Details on this World Wall Map include: international boundaries and national capitals along with other major cities; major physical features such as mountain ranges, major mountain peaks, island chains, and deserts; and major water features such as oceans, seas, gulfs, and rivers.

Special features include ivory-colored oceans and a black decorative border. This map of the world uses the Van Der Grinten projection.

Perfecto para el hogar, negocio o escuela, este Mapa del Mundo Contemporáneo Muro en Español combina, atractivos colores brillantes con alta detallada cartografia.

Los detalles sobre este mundo Mapa mural incluyen: las fronteras internacionales y de capitales nacionales, junto con otras grandes ciudades; principales características físicas, tales como cadenas montañosas, los principales picos de las montañas, cadenas de islas y desiertos; y las principales características del agua como océanos, mares, golfos, y ríos.

Las características especiales incluyen océanos de color marfil y una frontera decorativa negro. Este mapa del mundo utiliza la proyección Van Der Grinten.

(above English to Spanish translation used the translate.google.com online resource)

This map can be Customized with name and caption such as "Will and Jennifers World Tour" or anything else you want.

We can print this map any size you wish that is proportional to the smallest standard size, Call to order or for quote 972-416-7800

It can be purchased with 5 options. Paper, Laminated, Laminated with Hanging Strips, Mounted and Laminated, Mounted Laminated and Framed.

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